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How to choose a lawyer

To hire a lawyer 

* Ask friends or acquaintances if they know any lawyers. Choose a place near your home or near the court where the case occurred, or

* Search for 2 names of lawyers from Google.

* Call each lawyer one by one to discuss the problem and consult completely. Please inquire about the wage rate. If it's a good idea, I'd be willing to pay some consulting fees. One consultation will be paid on an hourly basis. Choose to consult throughout the case. Or you can choose an annual plan as well. Initially, choose an hourly consultation first (1000-5000 baht per hour). It's not expensive, depending on the experience and expertise of each lawyer.

* Choose the lawyer you chat with and think is right. Should be able to help you. I think it can definitely help solve your problem.

* You can make an employment contract or agree to hire via Line Messenger or email. The payment should be divided by the Court of First Instance, appeal or appeal. Split the payment into installments, such as installment 1 for agreeing to hire, installment 2 for going to court, installment 3 for examining witnesses.

* Don't forget to visit Office of the lawyer who you hired. You will know how many lawyers there are in the office, whether they have a team, and most importantly, whether they are trustworthy or not.

* It is best to choose a lawyer near you. or a lawyer near the court This is because you will not have to pay travel and lodging expenses for the lawyer when he or she goes to work for you. Except for cases with a high penalty rate. It is important that you choose a lawyer with experience and expertise.

* Agree with the lawyer to send you a report of the case or work each time you go to work.

* If the case has a high penalty rate or a large amount of damages, you should hire a team. Or choose a lawyer who has experience in cases. Look at the work or information that can be verified.

Note: If you don't know any lawyers at all. It is recommended to contact local lawyers and attorneys on this website. Because the network has verified that they are real lawyers. Has real work experience and can be trusted.

10 recommendations by the Journal of the Court of Justice in appointing a lawyer

1. Ask to see a lawyer's license. Original professional lawyer Must receive permission from the Lawyers Council only.

2. Ask the lawyer: Do you have any relationship or have you ever worked with the person who will be a litigant with Ton? Because if someone has been appointed to be a lawyer Some attorneys may have conflicts of interest in acting as attorneys for their clients.

3. Inquire about the costs of the case and attorney's fees. This is because lawyers have different methods for claiming expenses and attorney's fees. Generally, the lawyer will ask the client to tell a brief story. It will then provide opinions and guidelines for legal compliance before determining costs and attorney fees. You should ask for details or questions so that the lawyer can explain them clearly.

4. When asking about various problems until satisfied that The said lawyer will be hired. You should hand over the case information to the lawyer for action by providing evidence of receipt of the documents as well.

5. You should ask your lawyer to make a contract that will be as detailed as we have negotiated. If there is any doubt in the contract that is not clear, ask your lawyer to clarify and expand it so that it does not cause problems later.

6. Copies of documents delivered to the lawyer as well as various documents related to the case should be kept in categories for the benefit of searching and following up on the case.

7. You should continuously follow up on the results of the case. Even though a lawyer has been assigned to take action. Because the good or bad results of the case must fall on the litigant and the client alone. By recording the black case number and court name as evidence.

8. If the opposing party contacts us or has additional information. You must inform your lawyer immediately. Because it may be useful in litigation.

9. When having doubts about the case, immediately inquire or ask for an explanation from a lawyer. Do not be afraid because such doubts may cause the work of the case to be damaged or become a major problem.

10. Expenses or fees paid to the court. The court will issue a receipt every time. If in doubt, check the receipt with a lawyer.

                If the lawyer's appointment form specifies that the lawyer has the authority to receive money from the court and the litigant has not yet received the money, the litigant should check with the lawyer and the court whether the money has been received on behalf of him or not.